
Showing posts from September, 2017


CONVENTIONS OF A FILM OPENING SEQUENCE FILM OPENING The purpose of a film opening is to persuade the audience to continue watching the film, in which they present the characters and genre. Most of the film openings consist of: ↪  The companies' logo ↪  Titles ↪ Establishing shots and genre ↪  Introduction of characters ↪  Action ↪  Theme ↪  Sound ↪  Enigma Here is an example of a film opening : Companies' logo - The logos are always shown and expected by the audience. When companies have a high budget, the logos are adapted to the genre and theme of the film. Titles - Companies have title scenes where they show the cast and production team who make up the film. This is an important part of promoting the film because by famous actors names in the film, the audience will have high expectations for the film. Obviously, the actors' names are presented at the start to create those high expectatio...


EDITING TECHNIQUES CUTTING   This is when one shot changes into another shot quickly and are used regularly throughout a film. SHOT REVERSE SHOT  This is when the camera films a character and cuts to another character. This technique is used mainly for conversations between these characters. EYELINE MATCH  This consists of two shots in which a character is looking at something/someone and then the camera cuts to what the character would be looking at. ACTION MATCH  This is when two different shots are taken of the action and are edited together to look like a continuous action. GRAPHIC MATCH This is when two or more shots are linked together with visual effects to create continuity . JUMP CUT  This is when there is a break of continuity of the scene to make it look like the action is ...


CAMERA MOVEMENTS In this class we are going to be learning about the different types of camera movements that cameramen could use when filming a film.   PAN This is when the camera moves from one side to another horizontally, used normally to show the people in the scene. TILT This is when the camera moves vertically up and down while fixed onto a base and is usually used to show the full length of a subject or object TRACK This is also called dolly/tracking shot and is when a camera is placed on a base or dolly  and travels on tracks. They make dolly in or out on the subject to create more emphasis on the action or dolly by moving beside the subject.   CRANE this is when the camera (sometimes can include the camera man) moves up and down on a crane, allowing the camera to get better establishing shots from a better height and can be mounted on a dolly (sometimes). STEADICAM This is a camera that is strapped ...


The camera angle is the place at which the camera is placed to take a shot, and can give a different experience and/or emotion. HIGH ANGLE : This is when the camera is elevated over the action that is occurring or person in the scene and gives the sense of the focus point getting "swallowed up" or that something is really tall. It also gives the sense of inferiority and insignificance of the people looking up. LOW ANGLE : this is the opposite of a high angle. The scene is filmed looking up at someone and creates a sense of something being really small or that the person the camera is looking up at to having superiority. CANTED ANGLE : This is when the camera is tilted to the side and it's an angle that is used commonly in horror movies to create suspense and as if something were about to happen. THE BIRD'S-EYE VIEW : This is when a scene is shown directly overhead. Objects and characters are unrecognisable from this angle, but puts the audie...


In this class we are going to learn the different camera shots that can be used when filming: ESTABLISHING SHOT This is when the camera is showing the location in which the scene is taking place. MASTER SHOT   This shot shows where character/objects/animals are positioned. ↪ MID-SHOT  Shows someone from the waist and upwards. LONG-SHOT Shows someone from their head to their toes to show a full shot of a person. W IDE SHOT T his shot shows a view of the scene with all characters and objects in it.   TWO-SHOT T his is a shot showing two people only. AERIAL SHOT T his shot is shot from the air from a plane or helicopter ( for example). POINT OF VIEW SHOT  Th is show shows the perspective of a character like when they have something in their hand. OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT  When the shot is taken over the shoulder of a character to give a sense of superiority of the person the...


Today in class we are going to learn about the different types of film genres. FILM GENRES: COMEDY In this genre, the main emphasis is humour, designed to amuse the audience by exaggerating the characters personality and actions. They normally end in happy endings, expect for black comedy, which ends in a sad ending. ROMANCE This type of genre focuses on the love between two people. Endings of these films will normally make you cry being of the romantic language used and the realistic feeling of the love between them. To create romantic films, the language used needs to be accurate for people to feel the 'same' emotions as the actors. HORROR This genre directly wants to scare or create tension. To do this they use people's nightmares like dolls, spiders, ghosts...In the films, they try to work with the viewers minds making them feel unable to move or frozen. In my opinion, this would be one of the hardest genres to make films into being of its complexity,...