In this class we are going to be learning about the different types of camera movements that cameramen could use when filming a film.
PAN This is when the camera moves from one side to another horizontally, used normally to show the people in the scene.
TILT This is when the camera moves vertically up and down while fixed onto a base and is usually used to show the full length of a subject or object
TRACK This is also called dolly/tracking shot and is when a camera is placed on a base or dolly and travels on tracks. They make dolly in or out on the subject to create more emphasis on the action or dolly by moving beside the subject.
CRANE this is when the camera (sometimes can include the camera man) moves up and down on a crane, allowing the camera to get better establishing shots from a better height and can be mounted on a dolly (sometimes).
STEADICAM This is a camera that is strapped to the camera operator´s body to create a gliding effect. It was invented by Garrett Brown in 1975 and was created to make smooth movements even on irregular surfaces.
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