Today in class we are going to learn about the different types of film genres.


In this genre, the main emphasis is humour, designed to amuse the audience by exaggerating the characters personality and actions. They normally end in happy endings, expect for black comedy, which ends in a sad ending.

This type of genre focuses on the love between two people. Endings of these films will normally make you cry being of the romantic language used and the realistic feeling of the love between them. To create romantic films, the language used needs to be accurate for people to feel the 'same' emotions as the actors.

This genre directly wants to scare or create tension. To do this they use people's nightmares like dolls, spiders, ghosts...In the films, they try to work with the viewers minds making them feel unable to move or frozen. In my opinion, this would be one of the hardest genres to make films into being of its complexity, to make people believe them and for them to feel emotions like fear.

Action films consist of heroes/heroins that go through many challenges to reach their goal, in which there are fights, chases, explosions... These films normally are fast-passed and can normally last more than one film like (e.g.) Fa
st and Furious. In these films, there is normally the typical villain that they are planning reveng
e on and typically ends in the hero/heroin winning.

In drama films, a story is told through actions and dialogue, in which characters change emotionally throughout the story. These stories are normally told in two forms; living form (stage performance) and written form (book). This genre is a mixture of many emotions, being that there are many types of drama subgenres within the drama genre.

Crime films consists on disturbing scenes of criminals normally breaking the law. Heroes/heroeins like detective, police (...) go after the criminals to put them in jail or punish them for the crime that they have committed. First there is a crime (bank robbery, murder...). Then there is an investigation and finally they go for the criminal, murderer (...), which will end in either the criminal being arrested or killed.

These films take place in the past and covers a large expanse of time, having either mythical, fictional, or legendary characters. The actors wear typical clothes from the time in which the films in centred. This genre can be acted in theatres, cinemas and/or video games in different ways, but following the story. Something that has to be carefully taken into account is the social conditions and manners from the past when acting and filming in the films.

These films focus on warfare, typically about air, naval or land battles on a battlefield or even the harsh environments in which people live during the wars in the 20th century. These films contain a lot of emotion and writing the script needs a lot of emotional language in it to create the feeling. Wars that have occurred can be represented by performing or video games.
