The camera angle is the place at which the camera is placed to take a shot, and can give a different experience and/or emotion.

Image result for high angleHIGH ANGLE : This is when the camera is elevated over the action that is occurring or person in the scene and gives the sense of the focus point getting "swallowed up" or that something is really tall. It also gives the sense of inferiority and insignificance of the people looking up.

LOW ANGLE : this is the opposite of a high angle. The
scene is filmed looking up at someone and creates a sense of something being really small or that the person the camera is looking up at to having superiority.

Image result for canted angleCANTED ANGLE : This is when the camera is tilted to the side and it's an angle that is used commonly in horror movies to create suspense and as if something were about to happen.

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THE BIRD'S-EYE VIEW : This is when a scene is shown directly overhead. Objects and characters are unrecognisable from this angle, but puts the audience in a position looking down at the action, giving them some sort of importance in the scene.

Related imageEYE LEVEL : This is when the camera is positioned as though the character were looking at the action in the scene, creating intrigue throughout the audience to find out what the character is looking at.
