Dark is an original German series and first one to be on Netflix. The story of the series shows the sudden disappearance of a character in the forest and the dejà vu moments of certain situations that happened 30 years ago. One of the characters was sent a letter from his dead father explaining the situation with a bundle equipment to help him find the lost character. With the help of the equipment and his dad's directions written in the letter, he was capable of travellin through time and found the character. However, he got trapped in the 80's with no way out. This is the end of season 1 as it is a new series.

In the first scene, there is a close up on the character Jonas (aged 16-18) with to create mystery and tension among the audience. There is a cut on his lip to show a situation which he went through to give him a more "tough" and "fearless" impression. He wakes up suddenly as he noticed he was in a small compact room which the audience has seen throughout the whole series as it plays an important role in the episodes shown with a master shot. His facial impresions and body language presents fear and confusion, as he has no idea of where he is but the audience does. Another character is presented on scene who the audience is already familiar with trying to explain the situation to Jonas through an old looking door with a slit in it like as if the people locked in there are prisioners. The angles doesn't change throughtout the whole scence keeping a steady view of the actions. There is a shot reverse shot used in the conversation between Jonas and the guy behind the door. Our view of the guy (aged 30-40) is through the slit to include the audience in the action and get a more "personal" view of the situation. The lighting where the man is situated is low-key lighting to represent his superiority as he isn't trapped in the room.

The soundtrack playing softly in the background creates an edgy vibe in the audience, perfectly fitted for the situation Jonas is in. Slowly the music commences to increase in strength as the situation grows into an uneasy and emotional situation (tears appear on Jonas' face ) is the guy behind the door was actually Jonas but at an older age. 

The scene ends with the older Jonas shutting the slit with a depressed emotion on his face possibly deciding whether or not he should let the boy free or not as younger Jonas' voice echoes in the background. A medium shot is shown of Jonas looking around with a miserable look on his face. 
